Here are some sound files.
Thanks to Daniel Bolton, Paula Smith, Karen Poitras, Erika Puls, Jude, and Akemi
- Interview David!
- Take a station break with David! track 1,
track 2, track
3, track 4, track
5, track 6, track
7, track 8, track
9, track 10, track
11 , track 12, track
13, track 14
- This about sums it up. Illya Kuryakin Looked at Me
by the Cleaners From Venus.
- Another version of Illya
Kuryakin Looked at Me by the Jennifers
- From the Open Channel D cd, Far Side of the Moon.
Communication single
- David and Nancy Sinatra sing "Trouble."
- advertising sampler
- Amadeus on Broadway
- Arcaneum (sample) (Right click
and "save target as")
- Around The World Under The Sea: the
time has come
- audiobook sampler
- BBC Radio Interview:
June 2009
- Bedford Square: bubble and squeak
- Behind Enemy Lines: What do you think?
- Billy Budd: if you condemn him
- Bone Collecter: bed, ticket
- Cherry: kiss me darling!, twas
- China Lake: secrets to the grave,
just sat there, get your,
- Dale Brown's Dreamland "The Razor's
Edge" (sample)
- Deadline: what's your point, mark
of a true professional
- Devil's Juggler: Jealous,
- Dirty Weekend
- Dogs: lock me in a closet, dreamers
not doers
- Dracula: lower and lower, I
lay quiet, kiss me
- Dunwich Horror
- Emmy nomination
- Great Escape: picadilly, July
4, nasty feeling, complete
- HMS Unseen (contains strong language): can
you believe?, SOB not there, no
they won't!
- Hullaballoo : this is illya
kuryakin double-o-soul, baby
- Inside TV and Radio interview
with Cuprisn 12/18/07
- Invisible Man: improvise,
hi baby, Lizzie
- Invisible Man: tv series promo
- Kidnapped: we run, RL
- King Solomon's Treasure: English roses,
do you not like women?, my
- Lassie Come Home: obey
- Last Tsar: my precious beloved treasure, soul
of my soul, angel dear, my
dear, I'm dying to go, my
love my love, whispering
- Love Ya, Illya, by Alma Cogan
- "McCallum" record promo
and interview
- Mother Love: researched you, couldn't
look, they're after me, messed
up the time thing again
- Nasty Little Secrets song
- Navy NCIS radio interview
- Noel's House Party: take a hint
- Outer Limits (Feasibility Study): we won't
be your slaves
- Outer Limits (Form of Things Unknown): slant
the cycles, you should have seen,
so many loved people, did
you read it?, my name is Tone,
such tricks
- Outer Limits (Sixth Finger): you're praying
your experiment
- Perry Mason: it may take some time
- Return of the Man From UNCLE: progress
- Robbery Under Arms: next Christmas
- Sapphire and Steel, Adventure 2: conducting
an investigation, Blood, Burn
it, Know each other, Things,
Time, Truth, I
Don't Sleep, 11 o'clock, bed,
describe, gamble,
invite, photos trueface,
shipwreck (thanks to Anorak's
Guide to Sapphire and Steel)
- She Waits: because I love you
- Sol Madrid: right and wrong
- Talking to himself
- Team Knight Rider: Brit,
Downfall, Time
- Three: trouser pocket
- Three Bites of the Apple: Three Bites
of the Apple song, Christopher Columbus
- Titanic Chronicles
- Traitor's Gate: goodnight
- UK Radio Interview (6/20/07)
- UNCLE quotes:
(Adriatic Express), ride
on a train, I burst into flames
(Arabian) thank
you, trip over your own feet,
unmarried women
(Bridge of Lions),playing
dead , fat cat
(Bow Wow Wow), No man is free
(Casbah), racing
(Deadly Goddess), complain
to our travel agent, better man wins
(Foreign Legion) open
Channel D
(Foxes and Hounds), door
(Gazebo in the Maze), rescue
me, bon appetit, superman,
(Her Master's Voice), this
is no joke, spanking, that
does it
(Hot Number), salesman
(King of Diamonds), get
us lost
(Minus X), large
(Off Broadway), swimming
pool, man is a horn
(Project Strigas), almost
, microdot
(See Paris and Die), don't
be cute , blockhead
(Spy With My Face), think
and plan
(Suburbia Affair), souffle
(Take Me To Your Leader), flattery,
(Thor Affair), you're very kind
(Ultimate Computer Affair) Hava
Nagilah, another
(Virtue Affair) goodnight
(Yukon Affair) poor way
to go, native charm, greetings!
Captain Ahab
- Some UNCLE quotes , zipped
- Versions of the UNCLE credits music, zipped
- USS Seawolf (contains strong language): possibility
that you may be wrong?, Oh what a relief, cookies,
old smoothie
- Watcher In The Woods: soft
- The Wind: real man
- Wind in the Willows: spring cleaning
- Inside TV and Radio podcast,
- Brainstormin' with Bill Frank, 2012